Attack on titan mod for minecraft
Attack on titan mod for minecraft

Mighty mite really called endermite s the 3 strongest lesser titan and can summon endermites and simaler to the omegafish and it has 7000 hearts and deal -150 damage which are pretty good but its still a lesser titan and can change to night like those other titans do.Ĭave spider titan is the second strongest lesser titan and can shoot a lot of webs and can summon cave spiders.whenever it gets low heart it glows red like the omegafish can has 12000 hearts and does a lot of damage but depends on the attack its useing and it has a lot so let me show you. This titan is simaler to the slime titan but three times can also split and summon minions like the slime titan.and also has 1000 hearts and does the same damage as the snow golem titan which are 60 also can control the weather and make it night just like the slime titan do. and when it got low health it glows white and can also summon different kinds of silverfish. The omegafish is also know as the silverfish titan and its a okay titan.It has 8000 hearts and has a lot of attacks like the tail swipe,body slam,and also random pretty sure it does 250 damage.

attack on titan mod for minecraft attack on titan mod for minecraft

Slime titans is a little better than the snow golem titan but its still the second most weakess can summon slimes and also has 1,000 hearts and deal only 30 damage.when ever it got killed it will split and when its killed again it just split but soon it will die.and it can jump very high and can change the weather to night! Its one of the weakess titan and a lesser titan.It has 4000 hearts and deal 60 with range and also 60 with can summon reinforced snow golems and the reinforced snow golem is a normal snow golem exsept has 20 s also the weakess titan.

Attack on titan mod for minecraft